- Individual and group recovery support services provided by recovery specialists
- All services are supervised by clinical professionals to ensure care quality and manage any incidents that may require clinical assessment and decision-making
- Recovery support services are delivered by a team of certified professionals with lived experience
- Recovery specialists are nonclinical professionals that act as peers, mentors, role models, advocates, coaches and motivators in supporting your unique, long-term recovery goals.

- 24/7 access to recovery specialists in times of need by phone or mobile app
- Access to digital app/platform with recovery-based curriculum and telehealth capabilities
- Administration of standardized, digital assessments that promote self-monitoring, track progress, and inform targets for goal-setting and self-improvement
- Connection to community resources and treatment providers if needed
- Individual and group recovery support services provided by recovery specialists
- All services are supervised by clinical professionals to ensure care quality and manage any incidents that may require clinical assessment and decision-making
- Recovery support services are delivered by a team of certified professionals with lived experience
- Recovery specialists are nonclinical professionals that act as peers, mentors, role models, advocates, coaches and motivators in supporting your unique, long-term recovery goals.

- 24/7 access to recovery specialists in times of need by phone or mobile app
- Access to digital app/platform with recovery-based curriculum and telehealth capabilities
- Administration of standardized, digital assessments that promote self-monitoring, track progress, and inform targets for goal-setting and self-improvement
- Connection to community resources and treatment providers if needed
Focus Areas for our Care Delivery
Manifesto aims to shift the focus to prevention — away from only providing reactive care to crises and illness like the current medical model.
We specialize in helping people set realistic goals, clarify their personal values, and motivate them to take steps towards meaningful change in accordance with their freely chosen values.
Access to substance use care is strewn with barriers such as months-long wait lists for clinical treatment. Recovery specialists are equipped to keep people “warm” in the waiting period before an intake appointment.
Recovery specialists are especially trained to navigate people in need through the complex and fragmented process of finding clinical treatment.
Manifesto’s peer professionals have walked a similar path of seeking care which gives them a deep understanding of the feelings, fears, and uncertainties that can accompany help-seeking.
The continuum of care stops far too early
— at discharge.
The long-term management required for successful recovery from complex conditions such as substance use disorder and cooccurring mental health challenges should mean access to long-term support.
Our recovery specialists engage people post treatment in the aftercare stage to help sustain their recovery journeys for the long run — including critical processes like integrating back into the workforce.
Manifesto’s recovery specialists don’t just provide one time assistance — they are ongoing sources of support.
This is especially valuable in the mental health journey where setbacks can be a natural part of the process.
Having a consistent ally can make a world of difference in the challenging recovery process and research has proven the benefits of longterm support such as reaching the crucial one year mark of sustained recovery.
Focus Areas for our Care Delivery
Manifesto aims to shift the focus to prevention — away from only providing reactive care to crises and illness like the current medical model.
We specialize in helping people set realistic goals, clarify their personal values, and motivate them to take steps towards meaningful change in accordance with their freely chosen values.
Access to substance use care is strewn with barriers such as months-long wait lists for clinical treatment. Recovery specialists are equipped to keep people “warm” in the waiting period before an intake appointment.
Recovery specialists are especially trained to navigate people in need through the complex and fragmented process of finding clinical treatment.
Manifesto’s peer professionals have walked a similar path of seeking care which gives them a deep understanding of the feelings, fears, and uncertainties that can accompany help-seeking.
The continuum of care stops far too early
— at discharge.
The long-term management required for successful recovery from complex conditions such as substance use disorder and cooccurring mental health challenges should mean access to long-term support.
Our recovery specialists engage people post treatment in the aftercare stage to help sustain their recovery journeys for the long run — including critical processes like integrating back into the workforce.
Manifesto’s recovery specialists don’t just provide one time assistance — they are ongoing sources of support.
This is especially valuable in the mental health journey where setbacks can be a natural part of the process.
Having a consistent ally can make a world of difference in the challenging recovery process and research has proven the benefits of longterm support such as reaching the crucial one year mark of sustained recovery.
Recovery Specialist Roles
Crisis De-Escalation
Manifesto’s recovery specialists are especially trained and equipped to support people in the hardest moments of their life — meeting people where they are with compassion, accurate empathy, active listening, and hope.
Nonclinical Peer Support
Nonclinical does not mean non-impact. Recovery specialists have different training and credentials than clinicians because their scope is different — and their impact is instrumental to long-term recovery outcomes.
Early Intervention/Preventive Care
Prevention: Substance use support before it becomes a debilitating problem or escalates to a full recurrence of a SUD.
Gap Filler
We fill gaps in substance use care with accessible human connection that keep people engaged on their recovery journey – for the long run.

Peer-led Navigation
Manifesto’s recovery specialists are specifically trained to navigate people in need through the complex and fragmented process of finding clinical treatment — and have walked a similar path of seeking support which gives them a deep understanding of the feelings, fears, and uncertainties that can accompany help-seeking.
Continuum Extender
We extend care into the real world where it’s needed most — helping people reach the crucial one-year mark of sustained recovery, and beyond.
Data & Outcome Reporter
Manifesto’s recovery specialists engage with people along the continuum of care delivery and are a meaningful source of longitudinal data and outcome reporting — as well as reliable collectors of patient-reported data.
Recovery Specialist Roles
Crisis De-Escalation
Manifesto’s recovery specialists are especially trained and equipped to support people in the hardest moments of their life — meeting people where they are with compassion, accurate empathy, active listening, and hope.
Nonclinical Peer Support
Nonclinical does not mean non-impact. Recovery specialists have different training and credentials than clinicians because their scope is different — and their impact is instrumental to long-term recovery outcomes.
Early Intervention/Preventive Care
Prevention: Substance use support before it becomes a debilitating problem or escalates to a full recurrence of a SUD.
Gap Filler
We fill gaps in substance use care with accessible human connection that keep people engaged on their recovery journey – for the long run.
Peer-led Navigation
Manifesto’s recovery specialists are specifically trained to navigate people in need through the complex and fragmented process of finding clinical treatment — and have walked a similar path of seeking support which gives them a deep understanding of the feelings, fears, and uncertainties that can accompany help-seeking.
Continuum Extender
We extend care into the real world where it’s needed most — helping people reach the crucial one-year mark of sustained recovery, and beyond.
Data & Outcome Reporter
Manifesto’s recovery specialists engage with people along the continuum of care delivery and are a meaningful source of longitudinal data and outcome reporting — as well as reliable collectors of patient-reported data.

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