We are excited to present the new value-based care provider resource, the Value-Based Care Roadmap. This roadmap is designed to be an industry-leading guide for addiction treatment and mental health providers as the industry shifts from fee-for-service to value-based care.

Access it for free here: The Evolution of Value-Based Care

In this publication, you will find articles and interviews from nearly a dozen leading experts in the behavioral health field. They share best practices and recommendations for how providers can thrive in value-based arrangements.

Tapping into decades of experience and perspectives from multiple stakeholders, the Value-Based Care Roadmap offers a comprehensive understanding of value-based care and is a resource that providers will be able to visit again and again to navigate the rapidly changing reimbursement landscape.

Be sure to check out Chapter 7 titled, “Peer Support Workers in VBC” where our cofounders Pat and Dan delineate the role of peer support as an innovative solution—along the continuum of care—in the transition to VBC arrangements.

A big thanks to our partners at ERPHealth for masterfully producing this roadmap.